Current Issue

Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 1/29/25

Year: 2025


Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet (Socıety And Socıal Work)is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Social Work at Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The journal was published under the name Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksekokulu Dergisi (Hacettepe University School of Social work Journal) between 1983 and 1993, and has been published as Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet (Socıety And Socıal Work) since 2000. The main purpose of the journal is to publish research, reviews, and case studies related to social work and other social science fields connected to the discipline of social work, thereby enhancing the knowledge base in the field of social work and contributing to professional practices.

The articles to be submitted for publication in our journal may be related to societal issues in general, and in particular, to the practice areas of education, health, justice, labor and social security, social policy and social work with their psycho-social dimensions. The basic condition is that all of these issues are examined within the context of the social work discipline. Examples of social work areas could include: family issues, child and youth welfare, women welfare, aging related problems, disability rights, criminality, poverty, unemployment, health and medical social work, psycho-oncology, substance abuse, alcoholism, AIDS, migration, refugee and asylum seeker issues, psychiatric social work, labor life, school social work, social work in the military, human rights and social justice, civil society, and other social areas and problems within this framework.

• Articles published in the journal must comply with the publication ethics of TÜBA and TÜBİTAK.
• For articles submitted to the journal, authors may use the provided Word templates for review articles, research papers, or case presentations.
• The citation format in the articles submitted to the journal must adhere to the APA 6 (American Psychological Association Manual) standards.
• Submitted articles should contain basic parts as abstract, keywords, and references, and have between minimum word count of 5000 and 9000. .
• The abstract of the submitted articles should be no longer than 200 words, and the number of keywords should not exceed five.
• Articles submitted to the journal must be formatted in Word format, with adequate margins (2 cm from sides, 1,5 cm from top and bottom), 11 point Arial font and 1.5 spaced.
• The text should be justified, without linebreaks, and no line spacing between paragraphs. Automatic six-point spacing should be used for separation between paragraphs.
• Submissions must include the following in order: the type of work (research, review, or case presentation), title, authors' names, institutional affiliations, contact details, and ORCID numbers of the authors.
• The structure of the articles should follow this order: Title in Turkish and foreign languages, aligned left and written one under the other, a Turkish abstract, keywords in Turkish, an abstract in the foreign language, keywords in the foreign language, the main text, and the references.
• All figures (photos, drawings, maps, etc.) without tables should be labeled as "Figures." All tables and figures should be numbered separately, such as "Table 1" or "Figure 1."
• Tables and figures should not be smaller than 8 cm and exceed 14 cm in width or shoul not exceed 20 cm in height.
• Words should never be hyphenated at the ends of lines.

The Journal of Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet (The Journal of Socıety And Socıal Work) adheres to the highest international ethical standards (COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics).
Research involving data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments, or interviews, whether qualitative or quantitative, as well as retrospective studies that require adherence to personal data protection laws, are subject to ethical committee approval.
In addition, case presentations must specify that an "Informed Consent Form" has been obtained, permission has been granted for the use of scales, surveys, or photographs from others, and that copyright regulations for the use of creative works have been followed.
If any violations of academic or ethical principles are detected at any stage of the review process, the evaluation will be immediately halted and the work will be returned to the author(s) with an explanation.
The Editorial Board, the Responsible Editor, and the Editorial Secretariat are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of all submitted works until they are published. No information may be shared with anyone other than the author(s) of the work.
Submissions are evaluated using a double-blind peer review system. If there is a conflict between the peer review reports or if the reports are insufficient, the Editorial Board may consult additional reviewers.
The primary role of reviewers is to assist the Editorial Board in making a decision regarding the publication of the work. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and may not use the information obtained during the evaluation process for personal purposes. They should remain objective in their criticisms and focus on the work itself, avoiding personal comments on the author(s).
The final decision regarding the publication of a work rests with the Editorial Board. The journal is not obligated to provide reasons for rejecting unpublished works.
Authors are responsible for submitting original works and properly citing their sources in accordance with academic standards. Any work found to have improperly cited sources will be rejected.
Authors should not submit the same or similar research to multiple journals. The simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple journals is unethical and will result in the rejection of the work upon detection.

Works submitted to the journal are initially reviewed by the Responsible Editor and/or the Editorial Secretariat. Works that do not pass this initial review will be rejected. Reasons for rejection at this stage may include, but are not limited to: non-compliance with the journal’s writing guidelines, a similarity score above 10% in the iThenticate plagiarism report, or failure to align with the journal’s publication principles.
Works that pass the initial review are forwarded to the Editorial Board for further assessment. Reasons for rejection at this stage may include, but are not limited to: falling outside the scope of the journal, non-compliance with the journal’s publication ethics and/or principles, or failure to meet the qualifications for peer review.
Works that pass the Editorial Board review are sent for peer evaluation. Expert reviewers are selected based on their specialization, with input from the Editorial Board. Each work is sent to at least two reviewers under the double-blind peer review system, and additional reviewers may be consulted if the initial reports conflict or are deemed insufficient.
Works requiring revisions based on reviewer feedback will be reviewed again after the authors make the necessary changes. If the revisions are found insufficient, the work will be rejected.
The final publication decision for articles that pass the peer review process is made by the Editorial Board. Positive reviewer reports are considered influential, but not binding, in the decision-making process.
Works deemed suitable for publication by the Editorial Board undergo final review and editing by the Responsible Editor. Articles written in English, as well as all articles with English abstracts, undergo a review by the English Editor at this stage.

Journal of Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet does not charge any fees for article submission or processing.